Thursday, December 7, 2017

jesus and his bride


  1. There are 10 great depressions on Earth, the Sea of Galilee is 682.4 feet below sea level, average depth is 141 feet, fresh water, full of fish. I got a river of life flowing out of me. God made Earth out of water. The ancient empires surrounding the sea of galilee flow into the sea of galilee. The oldest evidence of modern man on earth, is in Scotland, 43,ooo years. The Gaul, 5,000 years of swords, horses and armor fighting. Ireland brought Scotland out of the dark ages in around 400 to 450 ad. the same year the roman empire split into two emperiors and fell. The story of William Wallace also a clansman during a king of England named Longshanks, the movie recently made called Braveheart means Aries, a woman, the inner shield of jesus, the former bronze age, iron age, stone age, former Viking empire, former Roman Empire covered Scotland at one time. A type of astronomy dates the Holy Bible exacly as God says, 4,000 years in the old testament, 2,000 years since jesus crucifiction, the ancient waters of Scotland flow into the sea of galilee. See Jesus call his disciples from the sea of galilee, for the Mighty One the one Lord, is Jehova, there is an old old story of the one who came from glory, and the Lord is the I AM of creation, pre existing but never created, all creation crys out there is a crearor, God is king of the heavens, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, invisible God the Father Almighty, who is the I AM, as jesus is the first born son of God the Father Almighty, jesus is the I AM before Abraham, jesus is the Son of man, Lord of the Saboth, jesus is the servant of all, the king of the jews, yah weh, the Lord God, adopted the Hebrew, and called them Israel, and rescuded them from Egypt, 400 years of oppression making bricks out of straw and clay, under the command of Pharough, Moses, a Hebrew baby on the river nyle, yes in the ancient empires, Moses crosses the Red Sea, he and all Israel cross, baptized into the cloud, into the water, and into moses with vailed faces. The Word of God is vailed, jesus has incarnate flesh, he never sinned, at his death, he said it is finished, he is the inner vail, his flesh incarnate, as he was crucified outside the city gates on mt Golgotha, the place of the skull, the John 3:16-20, God sent his only begotton Son, Mary a virgin was visited by angels in Luke 2, one of the angels was the Gabriel who stood in the presence of God, Mary asked the angel or angels, how can this be I would bear a child, I am a virgin, the angel sent from Jehova, who is Capt of the heavenly host, responded to Mary, the Holy Spirit shall come upon you and the power of the most high shall overshadow you, name your holy baby boy the Son of God, see the perfect Christ Child is Son of the living God, see jesus was a mortal baby, see jesus, a new born king, is Savior of the world, see jesus never sinned, and was made perfect through suffering, Oh Holy Night, the first Noel, Merry Christmas to one and Merry Christmas 2017 to all, pa rump pa pum pum, I played my drum to the new born king Hossana, Son of David, son of david, and my Lord, as jesus is the spirit of the unleavened bread, the bread of life, and a witness Issiah 55:4, and Acts 1:8, yes I was sprinkle babtised under age 4 months, and received by Christ, who is the image of the invisible God, yes my flesh is sinfull, inputed sin, inherited sin, sin of my own, yes soft heart, not yet hardened by sins deceitbullness, yes in this life I was loved, by Laurie Brown, and we attended the same high school, Reynolds royal lancers, yes my benediction was from John Mitchel, VP who founded Multnomah University, his wifes name was Mary, the Benediction I received was Herolds of Christ in obedience to my kings commands, make ye straight the way of the Lord, John the Baptist, a baptism of repentence, was not the true light or way, but the Holy Spirit on the wings of a snow white dove appeared to land on jesus, John the Baptist a voice in the wilderness make ye straight the way of the Lord, the Lord of the harvest,

  2. jesus and his bride, @PrincessDiana @PrincessKateMiddleton @PrinceHarry, @Elton John sang of his friend Diana, Englands rose, she lived her life like a candel in the wind, light my holy fire sweet holy sprit of God

  3. 2 John Christs doctrines has Son and Father
